Realtor Representation on New Construction – Do You Need It?

Do You Need a Realtor on New Construction?

Denver Colorado Realtor Representation on New Construction

Do You Need Realtor Representation on New Construction? Buying a new Denver CO home may be one of the most important events in your life. Why not come prepared so that you can make the most of the situation? The best way to do that is to utilize the services of a Denver Colorado based Realtor. I will act in your interest to get you the best possible price, discounts and information, often better than what an on-site sales person can provide.

Denver CO Home Builders

Denver Colorado Realtor Representation on New ConstructionIn most cases, Denver CO builders prefer that buyers deal with Realtors over dealing with his on-site representative. Prospects who use my professional services to buy new construction are generally better informed and thereby better prepared to complete the transaction. I can explain the intricacies and handle your objections, questions and paperwork. That’s what I have been trained to do. As such, a builder is well protected and confident that their affairs will be handled as they should.

Using a Denver CO Realtor

By using a Denver CO Realtor, a buyer is at no price disadvantage. It costs no more to use a Denver CO Realtor than buying builder-direct. Commissions that would have been paid are not remitted to the buyer if the sale goes through the onsite rep rather than a realtor. This is referred to as the “law of averages”. Builders make up for what they pay us on about half of the direct sales they do. So either way, as far as costs go, it makes no difference to a buyer. A Realtor can keep your interests at heart and you, well within your comfort zone throughout the transaction. More smart buyers are beginning to realize the advantages of using a Realtor when buying new construction.

Call Amy Hitch with any questions at 720-299-3554.